Sunday 1 September 2013

The household cavalry

The  household calvary male only is part of the household division and famous for its ceremonial duries. But it also has a vital role on yodays modern battlefoeld as a part of the army's armoured heavy punch and was the only calvary regement to figjt in falklands campaign. All soldiers are trained as both tank crewmen and mounted dutyman,giving them a diversity of roles. The regiment on cerimonial duty first sends its soldiers on an equestrian course lasting 20 weeks. The first 16 are spend at windor and the last four in london, where they wear gull dress uniform as much as posdible and learn to cope with the busy traffic. The course lessons on how to walk a horse, how to trot, how to canter and how to jump 3ft high fences. It os very intensive, with the troopers having to look after their mounts as well as ride them. The other side of the household calvary armoured reconnaissance regements sends its troops on a eight week tank drivers and signals course. Then they are posted to a sabre squadron and after 18 months they can compleate their follow on trade. If the regimrnts is in desprate need of any skills then both gunnery and driving trades can be compleated immediately anf the household caralry soldiers have the advantage of obtaining a full driving licence but with a extra category H qualification wich permits them to drive traked vehicals, a very useful qualification if he leave the army. Advancements and promotiond deprnt on compleation of a class A specialisation course in either driving or gunnery. Musicians are not trained on combat skills but are posted to a training depot gor sprcialist musical training.

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